EdixHub is introducing a one of a kind education management system, that collaborates between a state of the art learning management system and content management system. Our solution tends to the needs of all levels of the education sector, from kindergarten to high school and even universities.

Edix Hub Features

Home Work

Add Homework for each class. HW
notification will be show in android app for every student.
A file can be attached in HW

Mobile App

Student login by username , password,,, Profile, Attendance, Homework, Examination, Warning, Calendar, Events, Fees, Gallery, Management, about, contact us, Facebook, Website.

Mail service

Mailing Companies Service.
Assign Reports to send by schedule

Students Management

Register student and view the registration list.
Register parents with full details.
Make admission and print admission form.
Student info in one click.
Update profile, Mapping data, SMS Contact No.
Generate ID Card.
Generate ID Cards for parents.
Medical and Fitness Report.
Online Data Updating.
Online Portal Admission.

Website Management

Fully Dynamic website.
Online Portal Admission..
(Home, About Us, Student's Life, Gallery , News & Events, Contact Us, Student Login ).
Student Login per Username , Password,,,.
Profile, Attendance, Homework, Examination, Warning, Calendar, Events, Fees, Gallery, Management, about, contact us, Facebook.

Exam Management:

Generate mark sheet.
Generate the monthly mark sheet
Generate the result sheet of each class.
Download the marks details sheet.

Time Table

Class periods.
Teachers according to their subjects.
Generate time table of each day.
Check the teacher availability and engage another teacher if any staff is absent.
Manage Time table if class period timing is different for different classes

Eye on school

Fully business Intelligent for business circle work for each module

Learning Online

Online and Offline Connection ( Student & Tea chers ) File Transfer ( Video & Doc & Pdf ) Ftp Tools User upload permissions


EDIX provides educational Institutions with the highest unique education software technology called ‘MozaBook Software’ in a fully integrated educational solution that suits all learner types in all stages and works effectively on any interactive board or tablet.